Christ is at the heart of everything that we do. The holy eucharist is the source and summit of the life of our parish. We take to heart the value of coming together at the altar of the Lord. Among our ministries are:
Choir and Cantors
Bell choir
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Art & Environment
Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament
Rosary Making Group
Nocturnal Adoration Society
We are called to know, love, and follow Christ. The following programs and events help us to deepen our understanding of the Christian faith and the richness of our Catholic Tradition:
Living Word Bible Study (Tuesdays)
Growing in Faith Together (Thursdays)
Preparation for Christian Initiation for Adults
Faith Formation Program
Baptismal Preparation Seminars
Wedding Preparation
Marriage Enrichment Programs
Mission Family of Blessed Boleslawa (Lay Associates of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family)
Christ has commanded us to practice charity and be instruments of His mercy. Reaching out with love to the poor and those in need, some of our outreach efforts include:
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic, Kankakee Catholic Food Pantry, Our Shepherd Clothing Closet, Family Bridges, Immigration Ministry, Youth Outreach to Pembroke Township, Red Cross Blood Drives, Parish Nursing Program, Ministry to the Homebound, the Pro-life Committee, the Christmas Giving Tree
The youth of St. John Paul II Parish participate in both Young on Fire Youth Group as well as the regional youth ministry program for high school students: Hearts of Hope Youth Group, led by longtime youth leaders, Ken and Michelle Barrie. The youth groups and some of the more prominent youth events in our parish are:
Young on Fire Youth Group
Weekly Youth Rosary on Saturdays at Noon
Good Friday Breakfast Baskets
Hearts of Hope Youth Group
One Bread, One Cup Liturgical Conference
Pembroke Mission
Harvest Sunday
Advent Taize service
The parish is a community of believers and a family of families. We continue to grow as a family in faith, and we celebrate the bond of faith that God has given us. The following groups and events contribute to the building up of our community:
JP II Parish Feast Day Celebration
Dinner with Twelve New Friends
Annual Family Bike Ride
Council of Catholic Women
Knights of Columbus
The Kindness Krew
Daughters of St. Anne
Our parish recognizes that the Church is enriched by cultural customs and devotions throughout the world. We are blessed to have Hispanic Ministry at St. John Paul II Parish. Hispanic ministry in Kankakee began at St. Teresa Parish and then later at the Parish of St. Rose of Lima. These communities were unified when the parishes merged to form the Parish of St. John Paul II. Some programs, groups, movements, and events that are sponsored by our parish and its Hispanic Council are:
Mexican Independence Day Kermes
The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations
Epiphany Celebration (Visita de los Tres Reyes Magos)
Las Posadas
Encuentros Juveniles
Adoracion Nocturna